(Invited) Effect of Electrochemical Treatment and pH on VIV/VVElectrode Kinetics

Varsha Sasikumar S P, Robert P. Lynch, Maria Al Hajji Safi, D. Noel Buckley, Andrea Bourke

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to investigate the effect of electrochemical treatment of glassy carbon electrodes in electrolytes of various pH on VIV/VV redox kinetics. In all pH treatment electrolytes (pH 0-pH 6.3), the VIV/VV kinetics are enhanced by cathodic treatment of the electrode and inhibited by anodic treatment. For all pHs, pronounced activation typically occurs at cathodic treatment potentials more negative than ∼+0.4 V and the effect is most significant at ∼-0.8 V. It is also found that the activating effect of cathodization is enhanced significantly with increasing pH. For all pHs, pronounced deactivation typically occurs at anodic treatment potentials more positive than ∼+0.2 V and the effect begins to saturate at ∼+1.0 V. Within this deactivation region of potentials, the rate constants decrease linearly with increasing treatment potential and reach similar final deactivation rate constants. The observed effects cannot be fully explained by surface roughening effects during anodization, rather they are attributed to changes to electrode surface functional groups by electrochemical polarization. It is suggested that competing cathodic processes, the rates of which appear to be pH dependent, control the surface functional groups formed and the resulting kinetics of the electrode surface for VIV/VV.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationECS Transactions
PublisherInstitute of Physics
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9781607685395
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event242nd ECS Meeting - Atlanta, United States
Duration: 9 Oct 202213 Oct 2022

Publication series

NameECS Transactions
ISSN (Print)1938-6737
ISSN (Electronic)1938-5862


Conference242nd ECS Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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