Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelets and Accelerated Weathering on the Mechanical and Shape Memory Behaviour of 3D Printed Components

Mohamad Alsaadi, Eoin P. Hinchy, Conor T. McCarthy, Declan M. Devine

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    The need for sustainable materials has increased the adoption of 3D printing techniques in various applications due to their valuable advantages of obtaining complex design, fast site production, with significantly less waste, and thus more cost-effective, compared to traditional polymer processing techniques like moulding and extrusion. The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of functionalised graphene nanoplatelets and accelerated weathering ageing on the tensile, Izod impact, fracture toughness and shape memory behaviour of 3D printed methacrylate-based resin. The accelerated weathering aging of 1000 hrs was conducted on the 3D printed samples. The fracture toughness results in terms of critical stress intensity factor were calculated using single-edge notch bending (SENB) tests. The shape memory (SM) behaviour in terms of shape fixity and shape recovery results were determined using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The results showed good resistance to weathering ageing and enhancement by incorporating functionalised graphene nanoplatelets. The maximum increment values of the tensile strength, impact resistance and critical stress intensity factor were 18%, 25% and 16%, respectively. The glass transition temperature values were slightly increased. The shape fixity ratios and the shape recovery ratios were greater than 97% and 90%, respectively. This study provides new knowledge in expanding and developing 4DPg in various industrial applications like in soft robotics as actuators and thermal sensors.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
    EditorsMehmet Ozaslan
    PublisherISRES Publishing
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Print)9786256959385
    Publication statusPublished - 2024
    Event4th International Conference on Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, ICBASET 2024 - Alanya, Turkey
    Duration: 2 May 20245 May 2024

    Publication series

    NameEurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
    ISSN (Electronic)2602-3199


    Conference4th International Conference on Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, ICBASET 2024


    • 3D printing
    • Accelerated weathering
    • Graphene nanoplatelets


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