Creating an Identity of Impact in a Newly Developing Irish Technological University Sector: A Qualitative Case Study of Impact Influences at the Technological University of the Shannon

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Upon recent establishment of the Irish technological university, there is impetus for better understanding of “impact” from a more comprehensive perspective regarding not only research, but also research equivalent activities, teaching and service engagement. The current research explored such understanding from one newly developed Irish technological university regarding the nature of impacts that are both being made and are possible in light of the recently developed sector; and how these acquiesce with existing perspectives surrounding their current and evolving identity. Twenty-six interviews were conducted in this context and resulting data analysed thematically. Further to the emergence of five themes regarding identity, teaching as the “bread-and-butter”, alumni, interdisciplinarity and the nature of “our” research – participants confirmed the framework of impact established as part of the literature review and helped facilitate the development of a list of 157 impact indicators and evidence. Implications are discussed in light of findings and theory.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalHigher Education Policy
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


    • Academic impact
    • Educational policy
    • Research impact
    • Service engagement
    • Teaching-and-learning impact
    • Technological university


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