Blockchain for decentralized multi-drone to combat COVID-19 and future pandemics: Framework and proposed solutions

Saeed Hamood Alsamhi, Brian Lee, Mohsen Guizani, Neeraj Kumar, Yuansong Qiao, Xuan Liu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

89 Citations (Scopus)


Currently, drones represent a promising technology for combating Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) due to the transport of goods, medical supplies to a given target location in the quarantine areas experiencing an epidemic outbreak. Drone missions will increasingly rely on drone collaboration, which requires the drones to reduce communication complexity and be controlled in a decentralized fashion. Blockchain technology becomes a must in industrial applications because it provides decentralized data, accessibility, immutability, and irreversibility. Therefore, Blockchain makes data public for all drones and enables drones to log information concerning world states, time, location, resources, delivery data, and drone relation to all neighbors drones. This paper introduces decentralized independent multi-drones to accomplish the task collaboratively. Improving blockchain with a consensus algorithm can improve network partitioning and scalability in order to combat COVID-19. The multi-drones task is to combat COVID-19 via monitoring and detecting, social distancing, sanitization, data analysis, delivering goods and medical supplies, and announcement while avoiding collisions with one another. We discuss End to End (E2E) delivery application of combination blockchain and multi-drone in combating COVID-19 and beyond future pandemics. Furthermore, the challenges and opportunities of our proposed framework are highlighted.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere4255
JournalTransactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2021


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