Biographical research and the meanings of mothering: Life choices, identities and methods

Lyudmila Nurse, Lisa Moran, Katerina Sidiropulu-Janku

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    What does mothering mean in different cultures and societies? This book extensively applies biographical and narrative research methods to mothering from international perspectives. This edited collection engages with changing attitudes and approaches to mothering from women's individual biographical experiences, illuminating how socially anticipated tasks of mothering shaped through interlinking state, media, religious beliefs and broader society are reflected in their identities and individual life choices. Considering trust, rapport, reflexivity and self-care, this collection advances methodological practice in the study of mothers, carers and childless women's lives.

    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherPolicy Press
    Number of pages252
    ISBN (Electronic)9781447365648
    ISBN (Print)9781447365624
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Sep 2023


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